I love getting pictures of the puppies as they grow. Here are a few pictures of puppies from Jazz and Max born December 15th, 2008. This first group of pictures are of Nelllie (apricot) and Ruben (red). They both live in the Cincinnati area and their new owners, Scott, Lisa, and Lou, got them together for a play date in the water! How fun!
Nellie, Ruben, Modig and Sunny in their new homes and play areas. All four are around 13 to15 weeks of age in these pictures. Thanks to you all for sending these great pictures!
Nellie catching some rays!
Ruben proves that poodles belong on the couch!
Nellie, may we see your license, please?
Modig has found treasure! (picture taken by Frank Hill)
Modig relaxes on a cool ceramic floor in Tennessee! (picture taken by Frank Hill)
Sunny, what a big girl you are! Wow, 35 pounds She just might be as big as her dad!!
Sunny, looking elegant and proud!
Minnie is letting eveyone know that this frisbee is her favorite toy!
Minnie, now in Connecticut, likes her inside toys, too. To the left, she is enjoying her very lovely bed, and protecting her rope. To the right, she is hanging out with her hamburger! Caroline, did you keep the French fries?
Zuko is finding the couch comfortable at his house, also! He is about 9-10 weeks old in this picture.
To the left, is a picture of Zuko at 5 months of age. He is pictured with his best buddy, Eliza, and he makes a great pillow! Boy, does he ever look like his daddy, Max.
Scot and Lisa invited us to their lake property on June 20th, 2009, along with the other puppy owners from Cincinnati. We had a great time. Lisa is using treats to get all the dogs focused at once for a picture. From left to right: Jazz, Cedar, Ruben, and Nellie. (Zuko had not arrived yet.) We enjoyed wonderful food, swimming with the dogs and boating. The dogs had a great time in the water together, playing in the yard and begging for food!

Ruben - 6 months old (top and bottom ) Mama, Jazz, had to walk in front of the camera both times.

Nellie - 6 months old
Zuko - 6 months old (top and bottom )
The boys both loved wrestling with their sister, Nellie.
Jazz and Zuko
L-R: Jazz, Nellie, Lou, Ruben, Scot, Kim, Zuko
Sharing the Fun: Pictures of the Puppies as they Grow!
The Hartwig family, from Wisconsin, flew their own plane to Van Wert County to meet us and visit our three poodles. They were in line for first pick of females from Jazz and Max's next litter. To the left is a picture of Austyn and Samantha posing with Cedar, Jazz and Max. To the right is a great shot of Jazz running into the water to show Samantha how she loves to watch and chase the fish. The third picture is of my husband, Tom standing with Max and Austyn on the beach of our pond. We had a great time getting to know the Hartwig family and were excited to place one of our puppies into their home. They eventually took home Cali, a female puppy from Cedar and Max. You can see her on Cedar and Max's 2009 litter page. Thanks to Chadd and Kathryn Hartwig for sharing these great pictures.
We spent August 2nd, 2009, in Toledo visiting Warren, Leann and Sunny. Here are some great shots of Sunny at her beautiful home on the lake. She is seven months old here and already about 26 inches at the shoulder. She definitely has the size and color of her father, Max, and the bold, adventurous personality of Jazz. She loves to retreive tennis balls and ride on the paddle boat.
To the left, I enjoyed spending some time getting both Jazz and Sunny to practice their tricks. On the right, Warren has given them both the down command and they are patiently waiting for their treats. Thanks, Warren and Leann, for a wonderful day at your beautiful home!
Lou sent these three pictures of Nellie (below) at 7 months of age. Great pictures, Lou!!! Thanks!
Nellie and Ruben take obedience classes together.
Ruben spends some time on the beach while on vacation with his family. He actually looks like he is smiling! "Man's Best Friend!"

On Sept. 9th, 2009, I got an update about Modig, the male puppy that went to Tennessee. He is 9 months old in these three pictures. It looks like he enjoys playing with his best friend, Max! Frank Hill, Max's grandfather, sent me these great pictures and said, "He is a great dog and is funny as well.  He keeps
us in stitches with some of the things he does. He is a lot of fun and the entire family enjoys being with him. "

Thank you, Frank, for these great pictures, and we are so glad you are enjoying Modig.

Four New Pictures of Minnie from Connecticut! Caroline sent these gorgeous and fun pictures of Minnie from the summer of 2009. She is 6 to 10 months in these pictures. Thanks, Caroline. Minnie is a beautiful, red girl, and looks so happy in her new home!
Caroline wrote an email to me along with these great pictures, and she included these words about Minnie, "We're so happy to have her with us! She's a great companion and a constant source of love and laughs. Thanks for encouraging us to send more photos--we've loved seeing the other dogs grow and mature."
Marblehead, MA
I love this window shot!
It looks like Minnie is ready for winter! And with that great hair cut, she makes a gorgeous model!
Sharing the Fun
Nellie is such a fabulous model! Lou, these shots are amazing!!! Nellie has turned one year old in these pictures.
Scot and Lisa claim that Ruben's love for the snow has presented a genetic disorder where ice balls stick to his curls! Sorry, Scot and Lisa, but there is no cure for this one, except a warm house, melting time, and lots of towels! Poodles really do so love that snow!
Spring of 2010: Lisa, Scot and Ruben met us at Hocking Hills for a great weekend of hiking with the dogs. To the left you see Scot with Ruben, (16 months old). To the right is a picture of Tom and Scot with Cedar, Jazz, Ruben and Max in Old Man's Cave.
Labor Day, 2010: Tom, Jazz and I met Scot, Lisa, and Ruben for a day of Kayaking at Kiser Lake. Ruben is very used to going in the boat and behaves beautifully! He is 21 months in these pictures.
Errrrr, Matie!!! Another great picture of Nellie at about 20 months posing for Lou as a pirate. Check out the earring!
Ruben and Scot: "On the Road Again....Just can't wait to get on the road again!":
This is Modig at two years of age.
Two pictures of Minnie at two years of age
Three pictures of Zuko at two years of age.
Here is Nellie, still trying to get into show business!
Nellie, "Look, mom, I can fish, too!"
Handsome Ruben taking an evening stroll on the boat.
Ruben takes a road trip!
Nellie: Personally I drive better than Louie, don't tell. lol Yes, Poodles can laugh.
What a great photo of Nellie in the woods! Beautiful, Lou!
Getting muddy by chasing the neighbors cat like a squirrel is inappropriate, but fun. I sky over the fence like Michael Jordan. Neighbors need to cool down, not me. This bathroom is out dated, and the tile does nothing for me. lol Guess we're back to obedience training again. Oh goody. Hope they are easy on me. I didn't use the car!
Almost to the camp site!
Always willing to help out! Love the boots, Lou!